actionscript 3 - Flash Event not being triggered on server -

I thought this problem could be due to some strange path issue; However, in this case the path is not relative.

I have an AS3 based RSS aggregator. When I test movie clips, it works in Flash; However, when I put it on the server it does not work anymore ...

I have "taLog.htmlText =" Start ";" And to test the same string where it stops, I think that the RSS loaded event is never called, which means that the feed is not loading, which is strange because it works fine, where? ...

  var rssLoader: URLLoader = new URLLoader (); Var rssURL: URLRequest = new URLRequest (""); RssLoader.addEventListener (Event.Complete, RSSloaded); RssLoader.load (rssURL); TaLog.htmlText = "Start"; Var rssXML: XML = new XML (); RssXML.ignoreWhitespace = True; Festival RSS Loaded (EVT: Event): Zero {taLog.htmlText = "Loaded"; RssXML = XML (; TaLog.htmlText = rssXML; (Var item: string in {liLog.addItem ({label: [item] .title})}} Select function log (event: event): zero {taLog.htmlText = RssXML .channel.item []. Description; } LiLog.addEventListener (Event. CHANGE, select Log);  

Are you sure this is not a securityError ? Listen to the io error and security error on the IoLoder so that it can be ascertained whether they have been removed or not. Instead of replacing the log text (with = ), make sure that the log messages are not overwritten (make sure the tag is multiline) ( + = ).

rssLoader.addEventListener (SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, SecurityAirHardler); RssLoader.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler); Function SecurityAirHardler (E: SecurityArrayVenture): Zero {taLog.htmlText + = "
Security Error"; } Function ioErrorHandler (e: IOErrorEvent): zero {taLog.htmlText + = "& lt; br / & gt; io error"; }


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