tex - Latex minipage to align groups of text -

I'm trying to get two minipage sections show next to each other.

  \ begin {minipage} [b] {1in} Hello World akdjfasljdfkjasjdfjsadkflkjksadflkaskjdfsadlflkjsafdalkjsfd: he was always an example of a show example my .tex  

Under the other currently down \ end {minipage} \ {minipage} start [b] {1in} Hello world \ end {minipage} akdjfasljdfkjasjdfjsadkflkjksadflkaskjdfsadlflkjsafdalkjsfd

I run following through pdflatex when I combine a document, with two vertical columns get next to each other;

  \ documentclass {article} \ begin {document} \ {minipage} start [b] {1in} Hello world \ end {minipage} akdjfasljdfkjasjdfjsadkflkjksadflkaskjdfsadlflkjsafdalkjsfd \ {minipage} start [b] {1in} Hello World \ end {minipage} akdjfasljdfkjasjdfjsadkflkjksadflkaskjdfsadlflkjsafdalkjsfd \ end {document}  

in the future, using around your example code tags.
