Best/quickest way to learn Java for a seasoned .NET/C# and C++ developer -

The fastest / easiest way to learn Java for an experienced NATT / C # (over 7 years) and C ++ What is 5 years) developer.

When I say to learn Java - I mean, using the base classroom library, we should be able to write applications in "Java way", where a popular Java libraries are required (this It is very good that so many people are open sources of them).

I know that there is a lot of flavor in the development of Java - Enterprise Aptitude (JavaEE), Mobile Device (Java ME) is one of these) - Although at the moment I am interested in a normal Java development I am taking - with an emphasis on an integration project / enterprise development.

So basically - I'm a strong, passionate, proud of being a Senior C # / C + + developer with over a dozen years of experience, which is effective in the Java environment The program wants to dedicate one month's worth of value (maybe more) to learn the program.

By saying that I do not mean that I am switching to Java from .NET / C ++ - but I would probably like to develop / support / develop 30% - 50% of our developing time in Java. Zestaging will have to spend SDLC. / P>

Thank you.

  1. I do not think there is any quicker understanding of language for experienced programmers. Or is there a more comprehensive way.

  2. After this.

  3. followed by sections, interfaces and packages.

This will give a good basis for learning and understanding any other branch of Java because it becomes necessary


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