inotifypropertychanged - PropertyChanged Event, raise when OnClick? -

I have WinForms applications that implement INOTifyPropertyChanged with some business objects and through some controls the PropertyChanged event Hooks; Binding resource on the form that raises an event back on its business object layer ...

There is only one problem - everything works well, except that when the control loses focus, for example, User changes some text fields, but before clicking on the 'Save' button, you have to actually click on any other control (as it has to focus on any other control).

How to wire some OnClick or something like this is that my business object layer will be changed because the type of user type (or after a drop down value has changed) I do not have to force the user to click before he can save a different text box?

Googling has given me examples for example, but for example, how it can easily be done in WPF =. But any WinForms example ...

If you are using the binding class to connect the object to UserControl, you can try setting the bindings to datasource updates in an open channel.

Please note that in this way you are writing data to your object before verification. It may be unsuitable for some tasks.


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