How to draw on the entire area of a resized TImage in Delphi? -

I've narrowed down a problem on which I painted in Delphi 2009 at TImage.Canvas The reproducible case has been given:

given: a form, a TImage , TLabel and TButton on it . TImage is anchored on all four edges so changing the size of the form will change the size of the TImage . What I want to be able to do is attract me to the maximum area of ​​available Image1 after resizing, in case of my trial, I have the button's OnClick Handler is:

  Process TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: Tubaxide); Start Label1.Caption: = IntToStr (Image1.Width) + 'x' + IntToStr (Image1.Height); Image1.Canvas.Pen.Color: = 0; Image 1 Canvas. Reference (0,0, Image 1. With, Image 1. Height); End;   You will see that if the form is resized, the  Image1.Width  and  .ighted  varies in expected form, yet the rectangle drawn The size of the original size is  large , it would be incomplete, should only be painted on the area which was previously. 

How do I use the whole size area?

In my basic problem I played with the code Image1.Stretch , which allows me to use more area on resizing but as a result my pictures are distorted Will be done (not wanted). If I also use Image1.Proportional , then it is better, but I still can not use the full area available Image1.AutoSize anything useful to me not doing.

Any help appreciated.

Add an honors-event to your form:

  Process TForm1 .form resize (sender: tubage); Start image 1. picture. Bitmap With: = image 1. Image 1 picture. Bitmap Height: = Picture 1. height; End;  

In addition, if you are using components to drag images instead of displaying images from the image image, consider using the Tepentbox instead of TIMAG.


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